Key ways to gather data to support your growth as a leader
Conversational 360 Feedback, Analysis, and Report
This is the single best way to gather data and learn about the impressions and impacts a leader is having on others. In this approach, we interview about 10 people who have either significant or frequent interactions with the leader and ask what the leader is doing well and where they need to improve. We develop a trend analysis from the findings and generate a report for the leader that summarizes how they are seen by their key stakeholders.
This data helps us to construct a clear and compelling action plan that supports our client in getting to the next level of performance. We have been working to perfect our approach over the last 25 years of practice. Please reach out to us to find out more.
Positive Intelligence
This simple, yet comprehensive approach provides you with the best tools for developing sustainable emotional intelligence and mental fitness for individuals and teams. Positive Intelligence, or PQ as it is commonly known, permits you to counter negative thoughts and behaviors, laser beam your attention through simple focusing techniques while connecting to more positive, constructive thoughts and actions, regardless of the circumstance.
Positive Intelligence is able to facilitate incredible results in a short time because it is designed as a comprehensive, yet simple operating system.
For more comprehensive information go to their website:
5 Dynamics
5 Dynamics is a great tool to support your team’s ability to perform at a higher level together by increasing both success and satisfaction. If you need for your team to align to perform at a higher level this is a great tool to help you get there.
Korn Ferry/Lominger 360
This tool has a similar focus as the conversational 360 but is done online through a questionnaire.
Determine the impact of personality on organizational performance.
Predictive Analytics to Acquire, Develop, Lead & Engage Talent.